Home Schooling Preparation

Let’s forget about what syllabus to follow, neither what books to buy. What’s the most important thing you must have in mind is “We must start first instead of wait until we are well-prepared for it” and “We can always improvise it along the way”.

I spent 3 months researching on what is home schooling about; another 3 months researching for the best home schoolling syllabus; finally 3 months to come out with my own home schoolling timetable. Thus, my inspiration of home school had faded off and I had more doubts about the home schooling instead of joyce.

So, my humble advice is “Let’s start it!” no matter how unprepared you are.

On the positive side, you accidentally bump into my site which will save you lots of hassle of finding home school resources. Yet, you will find more and more ideas when you kick-start your home school schedule.

Now, let me proudly introduce my home schooling syllabus – My Happy Homeschooling Syllabus!

Good Luck!