Insect: A Visit to Enthopia


During our recent trip to Penang, we decided to visit Entopia which was transformed from the previous Butterfly Farm.
Couldn’t find any food court or restaurant nearby Entopia. Thus RhynoDad just drove us to Entopia directly.
Bought the entrance tickets at RM147 for 2 adults, 2 kids n 1 senior citizen:-

  • Adult RM39
  • Child RM23
  • Senior citizen RM23

This was the opening promotion, you can view the latest price here.

Had lunch at the small cafe inside Entopia. The best decision ever!

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Not only the food tasted superb but both MonkeySons enjoyed catching butterflies outside of the cafe while we were waiting for our food.

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Hin caught a butterfly landed on his hand when he walked into the cafe. I couldn’t stop laughing when I noticed that he could hardly moved his body part as to avoid the butterfly from flying away. In other words, I could have a peaceful meal without the 2 brothers fighting over meal. Kin oso got a butterfly landed on his hand shortly after that.


After lunch, we didn’t manage to get any butterfly landing on our hand despite that we paste much pineapple juice on our hands.

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Kin was upset when RhinoDad disallowed him to catch the grasshopper from the “Grass Land” zone. Grandma then caught one for him. We put the grasshopper into praying mantis’s box n the mantis immediately caught it and poke into its body. It looked so disgusting! The mantis even broke the grasshopper’s leg n it dropped at the bottom of the box. The mantis took quite a while to finish up the entire grasshopper except the leg which had fallen off. RhynoDad kept asking us not to look into the plastic bag where we kept the mantis’s box. He was kinda worried that we were caught catching the grasshopper in Enthopia.

Hin got frightened when a grasshopper hopped onto his body. He screamed n cried and even asked to go home. I pacified him for a long time n he gradually calmed down. Whenever I mentioned about this incident, he would fuss.

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When we watched the Scorpion Demo @ The “Creepy Crawler Cave”, Kin received a butterfly bookmark as he answered a question asked by the speaker. She asked, “Is scorpion an insect?’ and Kin answered, “No, because it has 4 legs.” We then corrected him that scorpion has 4 pairs of legs.
Proceeded to Indoor.

Indoor was more fun with lots of exhibitions, computer games, and even a mini cinema. The documentary showing in the cinema was superb with clear pics and knowledge of different types of Insects. No wonder Hin said we could spend one full day here. We ended up spending 5 hrs in Enthopia.

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